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When clients register with the Company they acknowledge their willingness to share with the Company certain private information, which we use for the purpose of confirming the client’s identity for processing with Interactive Brokers IE. As per the terms and conditions that the Clients have read and understood, the Company is acting as an intermediary whereby the Clients shall open a trading account with Interactive Brokers IE.
Mexem is a company incorporated under the laws of Cyprus and has the necessary authorization and license to provide financial services to the clients subject to the laws of Cyprus. This information is collected in line with our stringent verification procedures, which are used to deter international money laundering operations and to ensure the security and safety of our customer’s trading activity throughout.
Våre kunder forplikter seg til å gi oss sann, oppdatert og nøyaktig informasjon om deres identitet. Videre er de pålagt å oppgi kategorisk at de registrerer og handler på egne vegne og ikke på noe tidspunkt søker å handle på noen måte, som kan anses som uredelig, og de søker heller ikke å utgi seg for andre individer for noen som helst formål.
The Company data collection procedures include the collection of client’s freely disclosed information as shared with the Company, in addition to the placement of cookies for the purposes of gathering data about the manner in which client’s interact with the Company’s website.
These tools for gathering client’s information are employed for the purpose of ensuring the customer’s own security and all data collected by the company is shared only with individuals within the company who are involved with the verification of customer account information for the express purpose of ensuring the customer’s confidentiality and security.
The client has the option to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but the client can modify his browser to decline cookies if he so prefers. As a result, this may prevent the client from taking full advantage of the website
We will never disclose any private or otherwise confidential information in regards to our clients and former clients to third parties without the express, written consent of our clients, except in such specific cases in which disclosure is required by law, or is otherwise necessary in order to perform verification analysis on the client’s identity for the purposes of safeguard ingtheir account and securing their personal information.
We may also disclose the clients’ personal information to third parties in order to fulfill the client’s instructions or subject to the client’s written consent. The confidential nature of the information shall be expressly notified to the third party. The client understands that the client’s information shall be collected by the Company for the purpose of disclosing this information to the Interactive Brokers IE, as per the Company’s terms and conditions and policies in place.
By registering with the Company and through the voluntary interaction by which clients undertake with the Company’s products and services, the clients confirm and agree that they consent to the use of all or part of the information they supply concerning their Company’s trading account, the transactions they undertake through it and the interactions, which they perform with the Company and Interactive Brokers IE. All interactions the customer undertakes with the Company and Interactive Brokers will be stored by the Company for the purposes of record and as such may be employed by the Company in such cases that disputes arise between clients and the Company.
Fra tid til annen kan selskapet kontakte kunder enten via telefon eller e-post for markedsundersøkelsesformål og med det formål å tilby dem ytterligere informasjon om produktene og tjenestene som selskapet har å tilby, i henhold til vilkårene og betingelsene. I tillegg kan selskapet, av og til, søke å kontakte kunder, enten via telefon eller e-post, med det formål å informere dem om unike kampanjetilbud fra selskapet til sine kunder. Kunder samtykker til mottak av slik kontakt når de samtykker til vilkårene og betingelsene for bruk når de registrerer seg hos selskapet.
I henhold til bestemmelsene i Kypros-loven og kravene til Kypros datakommissær, gjør selskapet sitt ytterste for å sikre konfidensialiteten til sine klienters personlige opplysninger, inkludert implementering av databeskyttelsesprosedyrer designet for å sikre klientkonfidensialitet. Selskapet tar de nødvendige tiltak for å beskytte all personlig informasjon fra sine klienter mot tap, tyveri, misbruk og for å forhindre uautorisert tilgang eller avsløring, endring eller ødeleggelse. Selskapet sikrer videre at dets databeskyttelsespolicy oppdateres regelmessig for å sikre at klientens konfidensielle informasjon kontinuerlig blir ivaretatt.
For Personal Information subject to the General Data Protection Regulation(EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) we may transfer your Personal Information out side the EEA for the Permitted Purposes as described above. This may include countries that do not provide the same level of protection as the laws of your home country (for example, the laws within the EEA or the United States). We will ensure that any such international transfers are made subject to appropriate or suitable safeguards if required by the GDPR or other relevant laws.
You may contact us at any time using the contact details below if you would like further information on such safeguards. With respect to persons covered by GDPR, in case Personal Information is transferred to countries or territories outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”) that are not recognized by the European Commission as offering an adequate level of data protection, we have put in place appropriate data transfer mechanisms to ensure Personal Information is protected.
Hvis noen av de personopplysningene du har oppgitt til oss endres, for eksempel hvis du endrer e-postadressen din eller hvis du ønsker å kansellere en forespørsel du har sendt oss, ber vi deg gi oss beskjed ved å kontakte Mexems kundeservice via Mexems nettsted på Vi er ikke ansvarlige for tap som oppstår som følge av unøyaktige, uekte, mangelfulle eller ufullstendige personopplysninger som du oppgir til oss.
Vi oppbevarer personopplysningene dine i en identifiserbar form i samsvar med våre interne retningslinjer som fastsetter generelle standarder og prosedyrer for oppbevaring, håndtering og avhending av personopplysningene dine. Personopplysninger oppbevares så lenge det er nødvendig for å oppfylle juridiske, regulatoriske og forretningsmessige krav. Oppbevaringsperiodene kan forlenges hvis vi er pålagt å oppbevare personopplysningene dine i forbindelse med rettstvister, etterforskning og saksbehandling.
With respect to EEA residents and where your Personal Information is processed by an Mexem Entity established in the EEA (“Covered Individuals”).If you are a Covered Individual you have a number of legal rights under GDPR in relation to the Personal Information that we hold about you. These rights include: Obtaining information regarding the processing of your personal information and access to the personal information that we hold about you.
Please note that there may be circumstances in which we are entitled to refuse requests for access to copies of personal information, (in particular, information that is subject to legal professional privilege); Requesting that we correct your personal information if it is inaccurate or incomplete; Requesting that we erase your personal information in certain circumstances. Please note that there may be circumstances where you ask us to erase your personal information but we are legally entitled to retain it; Objecting to, and requesting that we restrict, our processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.
Again, there may be circumstances where you object to, or ask us to restrict, our processing of your personal information but we are legally entitled to refuse that request; Withdrawing your consent, although in certain circumstances it may be lawful for us to continue processing without your consent if we have another legitimate reason (other than consent) for doing so.
We have designated a Data Protection Officer ("DPO") to enhance and promote compliance with and understanding of privacy and data protection principles. If you wish to do any of the above please send an email to We may request that you prove your identity by providing us with a copy of a valid means of identification in order for us to comply with our security obligations and to prevent unauthorized disclosure of data.
We reserve the right to charge you a reasonable administrative fee for any manifestly unfounded or excessive requests concerning your access to your data and for any additional copies of the Personal Information you request from us. We will consider any requests or complaints that we receive and provide you with a response in a timely manner. If you are not satisfied with our response, you may take your complaint to the relevant privacy regulator. We will provide you with details of your relevant regulator upon request.
Any person wishing to opt out of further contact with the Company at anytime whatsoever is entitled to do so, simply by contacting the company by email at following the instructions included in each communication and requesting that no further contact on behalf of the company be made.
Informasjonskapsler er biter av data som et nettsted overfører til en brukers harddisk for journalføringsformål. Web beacons er gjennomsiktige pikselbilder som brukes til å samle informasjon om bruk av nettstedet, e-postsvar og sporing. Generelt kan informasjonskapsler inneholde informasjon om Internett-protokollen (“IP”)-adresser, regionen eller den generelle plasseringen der datamaskinen eller enheten din har tilgang til internett, nettlesertype, operativsystem og annen bruksinformasjon om nettstedet eller din bruk av tjenestene våre. , inkludert en logg over sidene du viser.
Interactive Brokers Group samler inn informasjon fra informasjonskapsler og web beacons og lagrer den i en intern database. Denne informasjonen oppbevares i samsvar med våre retningslinjer for personvern. Denne nettsiden bruker følgende informasjonskapsler og web-beacons:
Disse informasjonskapslene er nødvendige for at nettstedet skal fungere og kan ikke slås av i våre systemer. De er vanligvis bare satt som svar på handlinger gjort av deg som utgjør en forespørsel om tjenester, for eksempel å angi personvernpreferanser, logge på eller fylle ut skjemaer. Du kan konfigurere nettleseren din til å blokkere eller varsle deg om disse informasjonskapslene, men enkelte områder av nettstedet vil ikke fungere skikkelig. Disse informasjonskapslene lagrer ingen personopplysninger.
These cookies and web beacons allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information that these cookies and web beacons collect is aggregated and, therefore, anonymous. If you do not allow these cookies and web beacons our aggregated statistics will not have a record of your visit. The website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies to help analyze how you use this website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purposes of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.
Disse informasjonskapslene gjør det mulig for nettstedet å tilby forbedret funksjonalitet og personalisering. De kan settes av oss eller av tredjepartsleverandører hvis tjenester vi har lagt til på sidene våre. Hvis du ikke tillater disse informasjonskapslene, kan det hende at noen eller alle disse tjenestene ikke fungerer som de skal.
Disse informasjonskapslene og nettfyrene kan bli plassert på nettstedet vårt av våre annonsepartnere. De kan brukes av disse selskapene til å lage en profil av interessene dine og vise deg relevante annonser på andre nettsteder. De lagrer ikke personlig informasjon som kan identifisere deg direkte, men er basert på en unik identifikasjon av nettleseren og internettenheten din. Hvis du ikke tillater disse informasjonskapslene og sporingsenhetene, vil du oppleve mindre målrettet annonsering. Nettstedet sporer ikke brukere når de går videre til tredjeparts nettsteder, gir dem ikke målrettet reklame og reagerer derfor ikke på Do Not Track-signaler ("DNT").
When you choose to sign up or log in using your Google account, we request authorization to access certain personal data associated with your Google account through Google's OAuth 2.0 authorization framework. Specifically, we may request access to your first name, last name, email address, and any other necessary information to facilitate the creation and management of your account with us.
The personal data retrieved from your Google account will be used solely for the purpose of account creation, identification, and ensuring the secure provision of our services. We do not access, store, or use any other information from your Google account beyond what is necessary for these purposes.
By signing up or logging in with your Google account, you consent to our access and use of your personal data as described above.
The Company reserves its right to modify or amend this privacy policy at anytime at its sole discretion, in particular, to reflect company and customer feedback. The Company encourages clients to frequently review this privacy policy to be informed on how their information is protected.
In case of any queries or comments in relation to this privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at or phone at+357-24022446
October 2022
Invester med tillit gjennom et regelverk som gjør kundene våre trygge og samtidig reduserer risikoen.